HUGE Cairngorms panorama

It's amazing what you can do with photo software these days. This picture of the Cairngorm mountains taken last year is 15 (if I remember correctly!) individual pictures seamlessly stitched together in Photoshop CS5 with the touch of a button. Ansel Adams would have loved this technology, something he was always on top of. The hard part, yes there was a hard part, was trekking half way up a suitable hillside with a clear enough view of the mountains as the sun started to dip and then finding my way back down in near darkness. Taken with a 5D MK2 and 70-200mm lens (using the long lens meant I avoided any parallax too) the final RAW output (far too large for TIFF's) was something like 500MB! Just imagine how big you could print stuff like this! I'm heading up to this area again in March and hope to get some nice landscape stuff done.

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