Stewart brewing images

Been working on some pictures I took for Stewart Brewing, an Edinburgh based independent brewery who have produced some award winning beers. Not quite finished touching up yet, the best part was getting to sample all the beer of which I'm already a big fan!


3 Response to "Stewart brewing images"

Side Street Style Says:

Great advertising pictures....just a comment - I would maybe burn in the S on the Stewart of the bottle on the left, just to see it alittle better. Otherwise great shots :)

Laura x

robbhamish Says:

thanks again Laura!

Your right, I was planning on burning in all the lettering on the glass to make it stand out a bit more. I'm still very much a Photoshop amateur so I need to watch half a dozen instructional videos online before I can attempt anything!

Unknown Says:

very nice shot. Wouldn't burn the "s" in any more though. It would look strange compared to the other letters. not realistic. It's nice and soft at the moment. Very clean and sharp Hamish. Colours nice too.

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