
It snowed like mad here in sunny Fife last week. Certainly the deepest snow I can remember.  Unusual sights included a horse reduced to eating branches off a tree and what can only be described as thick waves of freezing fog.Click to go full screen.

4 Response to "Snow!"

Side Street Style Says:

Wow great snow pictures.
What kind of camera do you use? I am a canon girl :)

Laura x

robbhamish Says:

thanks laura

I'm Canon too :)

These were taken with my beaten-up 1D MK2, fully waterproof so great out in the snow!

Not bad for an 8MP camera released in 2002...

dombower Says:

very nice, saw your advert on gumtree. great shots here


Dom Bower

Unknown Says:

Stunning shots. Want one for my wall! Great attention to detail.

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